The PocketBible New American Standard Bible (NASB) 1.0 is a software electronic text add-on for the PocketBible library program designed and developed to make Bible study easier and to provide those readers with a library platform where they could create their own unique collection of Bibles, Books and references.
The PocketBible program provides readers with mobility too by giving them access to their libraries through USB and PDA devices, iPods and Window’s Mobile SmartPhone, and the Blackberry and Palm OS, thus providing them with the ability to access their libraries from any computer. The PocketBible program hosts a great many Bibles, Books and references from a huge library, and these are provided separately from the program itself, ensuring choice for users of only the Bibles of references that they need. The PocketBible New American Standard Bible (NASB) 1.0 is one of the Bibles from that collection.
PocketBible New American Standard Bible (NASB) 1.0 adheres as closely as possible to the original languages of the Holy Scriptures and its translaters have made the translation fluent and readable according to current Englis usage. This PocketBible version includes the font matter and sections normally found in printed texts of this Bible, as well as the translator’s footnotes. This text is transcribed from the 1995 version from the Luckman Foundataion. The words of Christ are in red.